As an introductory activity in AP English Language and Composition, students embarked on an intellectual journey to debate on a democratically selected topic. The course curriculum stimulates students to analyze the rhetorical situation in a speech; therefore, after reading and watching several speeches in class, they had to write and deliver their own speeches. Research, organization, teamwork, and structure play essential roles in a formal debate.
The Resolution
Puerto Rico should become the 51st state.
The Affirmative Team
This team believes in change, and for this reason, they carry the burden of proof.
Kevin Capella
Sebastián Acosta
Carlos Chaves
Juan Puras
Samuel Ralph
Jorge Rodríguez
Orvil Martínez
Álvaro Villafuerte
Lorenzo Rodríguez
Nicolás Colón
Javier Boj
Gabriel Rodríguez
The Negative Team
This team opposes the debate’s resolution.
Josian Pagán
Andrés González
Wilberto Rodríguez
Sebastián Mirandés
David De Jesús
Gianmarco Puig
Juan Trullenque
Miquel García
Mario Gaztambide
Diego Aponte
An excellent topic selection during election year inspired students to defend their positions, and since this is an intellectual battle -where students present logical, emotional, and ethical appeals to take a stand- personal opinions become irrelevant.
Constructive speeches supported each argument, and students focused on several topics: plebiscites, economy, culture, taxes, funds, right to vote for presidency, Congress, government, other countries as examples, and atrocities done in the past. Refutations empowered students to rise above petty argumentation and emphasized addressing the opponent’s rhetoric. Research was necessary to have a fair battle, but then the moderator of the debate added a plot twist.
“No computers, no technology; let’s have a speed round of refutations.” This is a skill, and the ones who succeed are those with the ability to share their voices. However, it is pertinent to confirm that students with background knowledge will excel in this specific task.
Formal rebuttals took place on September 23, “el Grito de Lares.” Students came prepared to class with their formal speeches, and everyone -I say everyone- had the chance to stand behind the podium. “Congrats comrades, you have concluded the debate.”
| Affirmative Team LOGOS – PATHOS - ETHOS | Negative Team LOGOS – PATHOS - ETHOS |
Constructive Speech
| 12pts. | 8pts. |
| 40pts. | 36pts. |
Speed Round
| 3pts. | 3pts. |
| 13pts. | 19pts. |
By the power vested in me (not by choice but by duty, after revising appeals for a second time, and having a conversation with our guest of honor Elga Del Valle), I now pronounce that “Puerto Rico should become the 51st state.”